© 2015 by YEH JEN-KUN.All rights reserved.
Moon Night III 60 × 60 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
Moon Night II 60 × 60 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, canvas, silk fabric
Bonsai on Rocks 25 × 33.5 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, gold foil , paper
Moon Night I 40 × 25 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, canvas, silk fabric
Wind Blowing II 60 × 45 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
Wind Blowing I 45 × 45 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, gold foil , canvas
Stars on the Lion Rock 25 x 40 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
While Swimming 100 x 100 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
While Climbing a Mountain 100 x 100 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
Milky Way II 60 x 45 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
Milky Way I 60 x 45 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
Forests 70 x 125 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, silver foil, canvas, silk fabric
When It First Becomes Snowy and Sunny 70 x 125 cm / 2019 Ink, eastern gouache, gold foil, canvas, silk fabric